Requirement checking method

This automated method checks whether an MVC satisfies the instantiated reliability requirements. Given a set with original images, our process generates test cases by transforming the original images within the range specified in the instantiated requirements, runs the tests on the model, and checks whether the MVC satisfies our requirements.

We provide in this page the implementation details.

Setup Procedures

Working Directory: automating_requirements/checking

Author’s OS and hardware:

  • OS: Ubuntu 20.04, architecture=amd64

  • RAM: 16GB


  1. Recommended to use a virtual python environment with Anaconda, virtualenv works too but the rest of the instructions will be using Anaconda

    1conda create -n envname python=3.7
    2conda activate envname
  2. Install PyTorch (with cuda if you have Nvidia GPU)

    Check for the installation commands

    For me, I have cuda 11.1, and run

    1conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=11.1 -c pytorch -c nvidia
  3. Install RobustBench

    1pip install git+
  4. Install matlab (I used 2021a without any addition functionalities)

  5. Install matlab package for Python following

    If you are using Anaconda for virtual environment, running python install will install matlab package for your default system python, not for your virtual environment.

    Solution: run which python while your virtual environment is activated and get your virtual environment python executable path, then run with this executable.

    1conda activate envname
    2conda_python=$(which python)
    3sudo $conda_python install
  6. A pythonenv.yml and a requirements.txt are provided just in case some packages are missing. Refer to these files if some packages are missing while running the code.

    pythonenv.yml describes the entire conda environment on the author’s machine

    requirements.txt listed a few python packages that may not be installed by previous steps. Run pip install requirements.txt to install them.

    1pip install -r requirements.txt
  7. Run apt-get install libmagickwand-dev

  8. Download image-quality-tools and place it under utils directory as utils/image-quality-tools.

  9. Run make all within automating_requirements/checking

    Breakdown: make all will run the following commands which you can run them individually:

    See the Makefile comments for more detailed explanation

    • make download_cifar10

    Download cifar10 dataset from using pytorch

    • make download_cifar10_c

    Download cifar10-c dataset from, this dataset may take longer to download

    • make download_imagenet_mapping

    • download MSCOCO_to_ImageNet_category_mapping.txt: map imagenet

      basic class to labels ids

    • download synset_words.txt: map imagenet label ids to english


    • make download_imagenet_bbox

    • download imagenet validation bounding boxes containing image

      labels from

    • make download_imagenet_val_img

    • download imagenet validation images from

    • make produce_imagenet_label

    • download file for labelling images

    • run, this depends on the files

      ./data/imagenet/val/*.xml, so make download_imagenet_bbox is a dependency, which generates val directory

    • Note: if your network isn’t good, you may fail to download, an empty file could be saved to your file system, no error will be raised but the rest of the code will fail. So if something went wrong here, check if this file is empty.

    • run ./prepare/ to produce all kinds of

      imagenet label mapping in json and csv format for easier access in the future, these files are saved in ./data/imagenet/info

    • make preprocess_cifar10_pytorch

    Preprocess the downloaded dataset to save the images in the desired sturcture

    • make preprocess_cifar10c

    Preprocess the downloaded dataset to save the images in the desired sturcture

How to run?

Run a single experiment on cifar10 dataset is responsible for running an experiment.

Run python --help to see all the options.

Sample Command

1python --num_sample_iter 2 --sample_size 10 --transformation gaussian_noise --rq_type correction_preservation --model_names Standard Hendrycks2020AugMix_ResNeXt --batch_size 5

Run a single experiment on ImageNet dataset

Similar to

Run Multiple Experiments

Running multiple jobs is risky, because the jobs could terminate in the middle due to various reasons such as lack of GPU memory, bugs, or incorrect setup. Then you may lose your progress, and be forced to restart all experiments.

Thus, we designed each experiment to be a Python Job object which can be saved with pickle. Jobs in the queue will be saved in jobs directory, all finished jobs will be moved to finished_jobs directory.

The configuration and experiment results for each job will also be saved in the finished jobs objects. You can use a script the read these objects and parse the results.

See for an example about how to generate the jobs objects. You can tweak the parameters at the top of the file for creating jobs.

See for example about how to read the job results.

Clean Up

Running this project requirements lots of space for storing images, run make clean to free up spaces.

Or if something went wrong while downloading the required files and you couldn’t fix it, you can run make clean and restart (downloading everything again takes a long time).

File Responsibility

In this seciton, I will describe what the files in checking folder is responsible for.

  • Makefile: convenience script/commands for downloading and preprocessing datasets

  • data/: where datasets and their related files will be stored

  • prepare/: script for preprocessing downloaded datasets and turn them into desired format




  • src/: main source files, containing all logics of this project

  • bootstrapping logic

  • constant variables

  • definition or PyTorch Dataset models for data loading


  • Definition of job objects, each experiment is a job

  • All utility functions

  • definitions of all image transformations

  • utils/

  • a shell script for cleaning up data directory (removing all datasets and their related files)

  • image-quality-tools: a directory user needs to download place here manually, containing matlab code for calculating IQA scores

  • generate_*

  • generate jobs files on cifar10 dataset and save into jobs directory

  • generate jobs files on imagenet dataset and save into jobs directory

  • run a single Cifar10 job

  • run a single ImageNet job

  • run all jobs saved in jobs directory and move the successful ones into finished_jobs directory

  • parse experiment results from job files in finished_jobs directory

  • generate a transformed image dataset from existing dataset given a transformation type

  • finetune.ipynb: finetuning experiment on transformed image dataset